Further Reflections on Hazelden's Spiritual Odyssey, by Damian McElrath.
Center City, Minn.: Hazelden, 1999.
MNHS call number: HV5281.C45 H3632 1999
The Dangerous Cycle of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction are Treated at Hazelden Rehabilitation Center, film reel (2 min.)
Produced by Hubbard Broadcasting Corporation, KSTP television (Channel 5): January 10, 1969.
MNHS call number: Digital copy of film
Pamphlets Relating to the Hazelden Foundation, 1980-
Pamphlets and printed ephemera relating to the Hazelden Foundation and its services to the chemically dependent. They document its 50th anniversary (1999), its treatment facilities and services, its educational materials, and commentary from patients.
MHS call number: Pamphlet Collection HV5281.H3
Hazelden Voice: News and Opinions for Recovering People and Professionals.
Center City, Minn.: Hazelden Foundation, vol. 1, issue 1 (winter 1996) - vol. 11, issue 2 (summer 2006).
MNHS call number: Microfilm 2153
Based in Center City, Minnesota, The Hazelden Foundation is one of the world’s largest private non-profit alcohol and drug addiction treatment centers. It offers assessment, residential treatment, aftercare services, and a family program, as well as publishing and a graduate program in addiction studies.
The idea for Hazelden was born in 1947 when Austin Ripley, a recovering alcoholic, set out to create a treatment center for alcoholic priests. Ripley's "Old Lodge" in Center City was incorporated in 1949, and Hazelden expanded to treat “curable alcoholics of the professional class."
Through the 1950s, President Patrick Butler built Hazelden's foundation by adopting some of the working principles developed at another Minnesota institution, Willmar State Hospital, among them, treating alcoholism as a disease that affects victims physically, mentally, and spiritually.
An alternative to jails or mental hospitals, Hazelden provided a simple recovery program based on Alcoholic Anonymous principles, especially the Twelve Steps, whose aim was to help alcoholics shift from a life of isolation to a life of dialogue. This belief that alcoholics and addicts can help one another achieve and maintain abstinence is the cornerstone of the now standard "Minnesota Model" of addiction treatment.
Linda Mork
MNHS Reference Staff
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