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Nuclear Power Plants: Development & Controversy: Primary Sources: Archives & Records


Joyce M. Brady Papers.
This archival collection documents her involvement with nuclear power opposition groups and other activist organizations.
MNHS call number: Digital Finding Aid

Newspaper Clippings Regarding Northern States Power Company, 1970-1974, collected by Kenneth Meter.
Photocopied clippings from Minnesota and national sources regarding nuclear power activities and opposition. There is information on the construction and operation of nuclear plants at Becker, Henderson, and Prairie Island in Minnesota and in Tyrone, Wisconsin, and of a coal storage facility at Pig's Eye Island, St. Paul. The stories detail opposition to the plants, their construction, and give considerable information on various aspects of nuclear energy including pollution, waste storage, and human cost as opposed to economic gain. There is also information on natural gas, solar energy, utility rates, and the effects of nuclear plants on rural life.
MNHS call number: See catalog record (Meter, Kenneth).

Minnesota Environmental Control Citizens Association Newsletters.
Newsletters and membership appeals (1969-1974) of this environmental citizens' action group, also known as MECCA, organized in St. Paul in 1968. Its activities include research and evaluation of pollution problems, legislative lobbying, publicity and educational programs, and monitoring meetings and hearings on environmental issues.
MNHS call number: Digital Finding Aid

Certificate of Need Application to Increase Storage Capability of the Spent Fuel Pool at the Prairie Island Generating Plant, Northern States Power Company (Minnesota). 
Minneapolis, Minn. : The Company, 1979.
MNHS call numberTK1377.N6 N66 1979

Northern States Power Company Environmental Report: Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Black & Veatch.
Kansas City, Mo.: Black & Veatch, 1971.
MNHS call numberTK1377.M67 B63 1971, Supplement 1 call numberTK1377.M67 B63 1971, Suppl 1

Steve J. Gadler Papers
Correspondence and subject files on environmental issues, along with a few unrelated personal files, documenting the work of a community activist, member of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (1967-1982), and environmentalist with special interests in the field of water pollution and nuclear power.
MNHS call number: See the finding aid in the library or use the scanned PDF (Gadler, Steve J.)

Coalition to Advocate Public Utility Responsibility Records.
This archival collection (1970-1977) consists of historical information; correspondence; proxy information, depositions, and other legal papers; and newspaper clippings compiled by Alpha Smaby and documenting her efforts to secure election on behalf of the coalition (CAPUR) to the board of directors of the Northern States Power Company (NSP). Other newspaper clippings (1970-1972) relate to NSP's construction of nuclear power plants in Monticello and Henderson.
MNHS call number: See the finding aid in the library or use the scanned PDF (P1742).

Government Records

Minnesota. Attorney General. Energy Division: Administrative hearings files, 1980-1981.
Pleadings, correspondence, interrogatories, and testimony concerning Northern States Power Company’s certificate of need application to increase the storage capacity of the spent fuel pool at Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Facility.
MNHS call number: See the finding aid in the library or use the scanned PDF (Attorney General: Energy Division)
Minnesota Environmental Quality Board: Hearing Records Concerning Northern States Power Company's Prairie Island Plant, 1980.
Records of and relating to hearings held before the Environmental Quality Board in regard to Northern States Power Company’s application to increase the storage capacity for spent fuel at its Prairie Island nuclear generating plant. They include correspondence, testimony (both prefiled and transcripts), memoranda, briefs, proposed conclusions and recommendations, and exhibits. The exhibits consist of photocopies of materials submitted to or issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, largely concerning environmental impact statements and licensing matters for both NSP and other nuclear power generating companies.
MNHS call number: Digital Finding Aid
Minnesota. Nuclear Safety Advisory Committee: Records, 1979-1980.
Minutes, background materials, including a public forum audiotape, and the final report of this citizens’ review committee created by Governor Albert Quie on September 21, 1979. Organized in response to a request by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (PCA), the committee was charged with assessing the design and operational safety of Minnesota’s Monticello and Prairie Island nuclear power plants. 
MNHS call number: Digital Finding Aid
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency: Environmental Quality Review Files, 1971-1983.
Reports, studies, environmental impact statements, hearing transcripts, correspondence, and related background materials on the environmental effects of power plants (particularly the Northern States Power Company’s SHERCO, Prairie Island, and Monticello plants and the Minnesota Power & Light Company’s Floodwood/Fine Lakes/Brookston plants) and high voltage transmission lines; on coal, uranium, and hazardous wastes; and on a few miscellaneous matters affecting environmental quality.
MNHS call number: Digital Finding Aid  
Minnesota Attorney General Environmental Protection Division: Nuclear Waste Disposal and Regulation Files, 1969-1987.
Subject files (1971-1987) and publications (1969-1986) dealing with nuclear waste disposal and regulation in Minnesota, particularly the Prairie Island and Monticello nuclear reactors. Also addressed is the geologic suitability of area in northern Minnesota for use as sites for permanent nuclear storage. Agencies involved in these records include the United States Department of Energy and Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Minnesota Governor’s Nuclear Waste Council and Pollution Control Agency. The files include correspondence, agreements, guidelines and plans, minutes, petitions, reports, fact sheets, and evaluations.
MNHS call number: Digital Finding Aid
Hazards Analysis by the Regulatory Staff, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in the Matter of Rural Cooperative Power Association, Elk River Reactor, Docket no. 115-1
Washington, D.C. : The Commission, 1962.
MNHS call number: TK1377.E44 U27 1962
Minnesota. Division of Environmental Health: Environmental Quality Review Files
Files on proposed construction projects, land usage, and other activities that were reviewed by the Health Department staff and the Environmental Quality Board for adverse environmental impact under Minnesota Statutes 116D.04. They include draft and final environmental impact statements and/or environmental assessment worksheets, and related applications, certifications of need, correspondence, reports, hearing transcripts, work plans, findings of fact, studies, and related materials. There are files on the environmental quality review at the Prairie Island and Monticello nuclear generating plants, Allen S. King generating plant, and Elk River reactor.
MNHS call number: Digital Finding Aid
Minnesota Attorney General. Pollution Control Division Administrative Proceedings Files, 1948-1990 (bulk 1970-1990).
Files dealing with such pollution control topics as solid, hazardous, and radioactive waste disposal and regulation; Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regulations and procedures; regulation of chemicals; National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System [NPDES] and state disposal systems [SDS] permits; water and sound pollution; and uranium exploration. There are lengthy files dealing with spent fuel regulation at Northern States Power Company’s nuclear power generating plants.
MNHS call number: Digital Finding Aid 
Minnesota Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, and Landscape Architecture Complaint Files, 1925-1983. 
Materials documenting complaints submitted to the board, including lists of complaints (1925-1933), Complaint Committee minutes (1977-1983), correspondence with Lewis L. Anderson, Special Assistant Attorney General assigned to the board for legal assistance (1940-1955), and files covering five cases officially investigated and ruled on by the board (1954-1971). The latter files include hearing transcripts, depositions, pleadings, correspondence, excerpts from Board minutes on topics including construction and operation of the Northern States Power Company’s Monticello nuclear power plant (1970-1971).
MNHS call number: Digital Finding Aid

Books & Other Publications

Legislative Authorization of High Level Radioactive Waste Storage on Prairie Island in the Mississippi, Faegre & Benson. 
Minneapolis, Minn. : Minnesotans for Nuclear Responsibility, 1994.
MNHS call number: FOLIO TK1377.N6 F34 1994

Prairie Island Coalition Against Nuclear Storage Newsletters.
The newsletter title varies over time (1990s).
MNHS call number: Microfilm 2065

Atomic Radiation in Minnesota, Frederick S. Gram. 
St. Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Civic Information Council, c1977.
MNHS call numberTK9024.M6 G73

Pamphlets Relating to Nuclear Power Plants in Minnesota
Contains pamphlets and printed ephemera relating to the use of nuclear power to generate electricity, particularly Northern States Power Company’s nuclear generating plants at Monticello and Prairie Island, radioactive waste disposal, and safety measures and training.
MNHS call numberTK1344

Confronting Nuclear Racism: A Prairie Island Coalition Report, Prairie Island Coalition (Minn.).
Lake Elmo, MN : The Coalition, 1996.
MNHS call number: TK1377.N6 P73 1996

Northern States Power Publications

Nuclear Power at NSP
Minneapolis, Minn.: Northern States Power Co., [between 1980 and 1984].
MNHS call number: TK1377.M6 N84 1980z

Use Without Abuse: NSP’s Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant and the Mississippi River
Minneapolis, Minn.: Northern States Power Co., 1971.
MNHS call number: TK1377.N62 P785 1971

Prairie Island: From Antiquity to Atoms: Northern States Power Company Builds a Nuclear Electric-Generating Plant Containing Two Reactors
Minneapolis, Minn.: The Company, [1970].
MNHS call number: TK1377.N62 P76

Perspective on Safety at NSP’s Monticello Nuclear Power Plant, Northern States Power Company Information Dept.
Minneapolis : The Company, [1969].
MNHS call numberTK1377.N6 N67 1969

Electric Power from the Atom at Northern States Power Company’s Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant
Minneapolis: NSP, 1969.
MNHS call number: TK1377.M67 E54 1969

NSP and the Atom: NSP, A Brighter Life for You
New York, N.Y.: Custom Comics, Inc., c1968.
MNHS call numberTK9146 .N67 1968

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