Troubled Waters: The Fight for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, by Kevin Proescholdt.
St. Cloud, Minn. : North Star Press of St. Cloud, 1995.
MNHS call number: KF5646.B68 P76 1995
The Boundary Makers: The Search for Wilderness in Minnesota's Hundred Years' War, by David W. Adams.
PhD. thesis (University of Hawaii), 1998.
MNHS call number: Microfiche 1155
The Boundary Waters Canoe Area: Wilderness Values and Motorized Recreation, by James N. Gladden.
Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1990.
MNHS call number: KF 5646 .B68 G55 1990
Canoe Country: An Embattled Wilderness, by David Backes.
Minocqua, Wis: NorthWord Press, 1991.
MNHS call number: QH 76.5 .M B33 1991
Controversy in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area: A Study, by Burton H. Atwood.
Glenview, Ill.: Izaak Walton League, 1964.
MNHS call number: F 614 .A7 B8 .A8
Keeper of the Wild: The Life of Ernest Oberholtzer, by Joe Paddock.
St. Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2001.
MNHS call number: Reading Room QH 31 .O23 P34 2001, also available for purchase.
The Meaning of Wilderness: Essential Articles and Speeches, by Sigurd F. Olson.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001.
MNHS call number: QH 102 .O386 2001
Saving Quetico-Superior: A Land Set Apart, by R. Newell Searle.
St. Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1977.
MNHS call number: Reading Room QH 77.Q48 S4, also available for purchase.
A Wilderness in Crisis: The Boundary Waters Canoe Area; An Analysis, by the North Star Chapter, Sierra Club, in cooperation with the Natural History Society.
Minneapolis, Minn.: s.n., 1970.
MNHS call number: F614 .A7B8 .S5
A Wilderness Within: The Life of Sigurd F. Olson, by David Backes.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997.
MNHS call number: QH 31 .O472 B335 1997
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