And Who Shall Care for the Sick?: The Corporate Transformation of Medicine in Minnesota, by Richard L. Reece.
Minneapolis, Minn.: Media Medicus, 1988.
MNHS call number: RA 410.54 .M6 R44 1988
Group Health: An American Success Story in Prepaid Health Care, by Mary Jo and Walter H. Uphoff, in collaboration with Russell K. Lewis.
Minneapolis: Dillon Press, 1980.
MNHS call number: Reading Room RA 413.3 .G72 U63
Health Maintenance Organizations, prepared by Ruth H. Stack and William G. Pollock.
Minneapolis: Twin City Health Care Development Project, Federal Reserve Bank, 1975.
MNHS call number: RA 413.5 .U5 T8 1975
Health Maintenance Organizations: Analysis of Selected HMOs Nationally and Locally: Issue Papers, prepared by the staff, Warren Eustis, William G. Pollock, Ruth H. Stack.
Minneapolis: Twin City Health Care Development Project, Federal Reserve Bank, 1972.
MNHS call number: RA 413.5 .U5 T8
"Where Doctors Scramble for Patients' Dollars," by Edmund Faltermayer.
In Fortune, vol. 98, no. 9: pages 114-116, 118, 120.
MNHS call number: RA 413.5.U52 M643
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