"The Recount Recounted: Minnesota Nightmare," by Robert A. Forsythe.
In Advance, vol. 2, no. 4 (summer 1963): pp. 43-47.
MNHS call number: JK 6152 1962 .F67 1963
"Recounting the 1962 Recount: The Closest Race for Governor in Minnesota's History," by Thomas J. Kelley.
In Ramsey County History, vol. 35, no. 2 (summer 2000): pp. 22-23.
MNHS call number: Reading Room F 612 .R22 R3 v.35:2
1963 Andersen-Rolvaag Election Recount
MNHS Library Acquisitions Curator Patrick Coleman explains the complicated events that led to the 1963 recount. A variety of vintage film footage from the KSTP-TV Archives shows the players in this drama, including Elmer Andersen, Karl Rolvaag, the voters, the judges and vote-counters, and even President Kennedy.
Gale Family Library
Minnesota Historical Society Library
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