Dred and Harriet Scott: A Family's Struggle for Freedom, by Gwenyth Swain.
St. Paul, Minn.: Borealis Books, 2004.
MNHS call number: Reading Room E444.S38S93 2004, also available for purchase.
Mrs. Dred Scott : A Life on Slavery’s Frontier, by Lea VanderVelde.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
MNHS call number: E444.S38 V36 2009
African Americans in Minnesota, by David Vassar Taylor
St. Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Historical Society Press.
MNHS call number: Reading Room F615 .N4 T39 2002, also available for purchase.
Dred Scott: From Fort Snelling to Freedom, by Jeffrey A. Hess.
St. Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1975.
(No. 2 of Fort Snelling Chronicles)
MNHS call number: F612.H58 S65 no. 2
Slavery in the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1787-1865 : A History of Human Bondage in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin, by Christopher P. Lehman.
Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c2011.
MNHS call number: E415.7 .L44 2011
"The Dred Scott Case: Dred Scott v. Sandford, 19 Howard 393," by Don E. Fehrenbacher.
In "Quarrels That Have Shaped the Constitution", pp. 86-99.
New York: Harper & Row, 1987.
MNHS call number: KF8742.A5 Q37 1987
Dred Scott v. Sandford: A Brief History with Documents, by Paul Finkelman.
Boston: Bedford Books, 1997.
MNHS call number: KF4545.S F45 1997
Old Fort Snelling 1819-1858, by Marcus L. Hansen.
Minneapolis: Ross & Haines, 1958.
MNHS call number: F612.H58S6.H2 1958
"Mrs. Dred Scott," by Lea VanderVelde and Sandhya Subramanian.
In Yale Law Journal, vol. 106, no. 4 (Jan. 1997): pp. 1033-1122.
MNHS call number: KF4545.S5 V36 1997
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