Manuscripts & Archives: Manuscript Collection, Yale University Library.
Collection includes hundreds of photos, letters, documents, maps, and other digital images of and pertaining to Charles A. Lindbergh throughout his life.
Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Papers, Princeton University Library, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections.
The papers consist of manuscripts of Charles's A Letter to Americans and Anne's The Wave of the Future, A Confession of Faith, with related correspondence.
Archival Collections at the Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Missouri.
Multiple collections relate to Lindbergh's life and career. Particularly notable is the Charles Augustus Lindbergh Collection, much of which pertains to Lindbergh's 1927 transatlantic flight from New York to Paris, including Lindbergh's preparations for the flight and the world's response to the event. Additional papers record Lindbergh's interest during the 1930s in the promotion and development of aviation, his pursuit of a scientific career, and the beginnings of the distinguished literary careers of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh.
The Lindbergh Foundation
The Foundation was created in 1977, the 50th Anniversary year of Charles Lindbergh's epic New York-to-Paris flight, by friends and admirers of the Lindberghs. The website includes biographies of Charles and his wife Anne, along with a bibliography, timeline, and photo gallery.
The State Historical Society of Missouri Historic Missourians: Charles Augustus Lindbergh
This research guide includes information about Lindbergh's life and achievements, along with links to resources within the Society's web page, a list of relevant books and articles, and suggestions for outside resources.
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