Photographs: Research & Ordering

Tags: arts, how-to, photos

About the Project

MNHS Image and Duplication Support for Community Projects

The Minnesota Historical Society prioritizes supporting communities and increasing collections access.  One way we do this is by providing copies of materials in the MNHS Collection to community organizations who request them, at no cost.  These duplications may be for a specific project like an exhibit or a publication, or they may be for longer term use (in a research or working collection, for example). 

Who is this program for?

Currently this program is for non-profit organizations and tribal governments that work in and with: 

  • Native American and Indigenous communities
  • Black and African American communities
  • Other BIPOC communities including Asian American, Latinx
  • LGBTQIA+ communities
  • Disability communities 

This is a pilot program that may grow and/or change over time.  

What can be copied?

Copies can be made from most formats of materials but must adhere to copyright, donor, and other restrictions.  If you have questions about particular formats or items, please contact before submitting an order/application.  

Examples of commonly copied materials are: 

  • Photographs
  • Documents
  • Books and other publications
  • Maps

Information for Application Process

The application process is meant to be very easy.  All you need to provide is:

  • Your group’s name, location, and tax-status.  
  • A brief statement about the organization’s mission and how the materials will help you further that mission.

Application Process

Applying for the program is included in the ordering process for whatever duplication you are seeking.  Please see below for specific instructions.

Applying while Ordering Images

In the Collections Online System

  • Click on the gold add to order button on an image’s information page
  • Select Digital Copy
  • Enter in applicable item information, including title, locator number, and any other information that will help staff identify which item you want us to reproduce.
  • Make selections for image size and file type, as well as providing information about any public use of the image.  
  • After the use questions, the system will ask: Are you interested in applying for Image and Duplication Support for Community Projects? 
  • Select yes and then answer the specific application questions.  
  • You will see a discount code on screen after you complete the last question.  Copy or write down that code. 
  • When you get to the check out screen, enter the code in the "Discount Code or Gift Card" box (on the right hand side of the screen if you are using a computer or large tablet or on the second checkout screen--after your address--on a phone).  The code will only apply to services covered by the Image and Duplication Support for Community Projects program, and will make those services cost $0. 
  • If your application is approved and funding is available, there will be no additional fees.

Items not in Collections Online

For images that are not in our Collections Online system, use the Digital Image Reproduction Form:

  • Select Digital Copy
  • Enter in applicable item information including title, location information, and any other details that will help staff determine which image you would like reproduced.
  • Make selections for image size and file type, as well as providing information about any public use of the image.  
  • After the use questions, the system will ask: Are you interested in applying for Image and Duplication Support for Community Projects? 
  • Select yes and then answer the specific application questions.  
  • You will see a discount code on screen after you complete the last question.  Copy or write down that code. 
  • When you get to the check out screen, enter the code in the "Discount Code or Gift Card" box (on the right hand side of the screen if you are using a computer or large tablet or on the second checkout screen--after your address--on a phone).  The code will only apply to services covered by the Image and Duplication Support for Community Projects program, and will make those services cost $0. 
  • If your application is approved and funding is available, there will be no additional fees.

Applying while Ordering documents/copies

From folders/boxes:

  • Visit the Copy request (folders from boxes) page in our online shop. 
  • Enter the information about the specific materials you would like copied (Collection, Box/Locator Number, Folder Titles, etc. )
  • After the questions about copyright and research use, the system will ask: Are you interested in applying for Image and Duplication Support for Community Projects? 
  • Select "yes," answer the specific application questions, and then finish your order.  
  • When you get to the payment section, select the Off-Line payment option.  If your application is approved and funding is available, the fees will be covered.

From books/articles:

  • Visit the Copy Request (Book or Article) page in our online shop. 
  • Enter the information about the specific materials you would like copied (Title, Author, Page Numbers, etc.)
  • After the questions about copyright and research use, the system will ask: Are you interested in applying for Image and Duplication Support for Community Projects? 
  • Select "yes," answer the specific application questions, and then finish your order.  
  • When you get to the payment section, select the Off-Line payment option.  If your application is approved and funding is available, the fees will be covered.

More information about ordering images/copies

More information about ordering can be found on our online guides and webpages:

What happens after the application is submitted?

Staff will process your order and evaluate your application.  It may take up to 3 weeks to evaluate your application and process your order.  The timeframe for delivery of digital materials will vary based on the order.   

If you qualify for the program and there is funding still available in the fiscal year, MNHS will cover the duplication fees and complete your order.  

If you do not qualify or if there are no funds currently available, we will let you know.  Your initial order will be cancelled and you can resubmit it as a regular order. (If needed, we can provide a list of all items from your initial order to assist.)  


Copies will be delivered in a digital file format, via email, file transfer, or harddrive.  

At this time, we are not delivering copies on microfilm, paper, or photographic print.    

The timeframe for delivery of digital materials will vary based on the order.  

Questions? Need Help?

If you have any questions, please contact using the subject line “Image and Duplication Support for Community Projects.”  

MNHS Reference Staff

reading room bookshelves


Gale Family Library
Minnesota Historical Society Library

Located on the Second Floor of the Minnesota History Center
345 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102

Library Hours:
Thursday to Saturday: 10am to 4pm
Sunday to Wednesday: Closed

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FAQs for MNHS Image and Duplication Support for Community Projects

Gale Family Library • Minnesota Historical Society • 345 W. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55102-1906 • 651-259-3300
Hours and More InformationEmail us