Step 1: Find a photograph in the newspaper.
The Gale Family Library holds photographs and negatives from the Minneapolis Star, Tribune, Star Tribune, and the St. Paul Dispatch, Pioneer Press, and Pioneer Press & Dispatch, as well as a smaller print photograph collection from the Edina Sun newspapers.
Step 2: Find the Photographer's Name and Date
Note down the date that the photograph appeared in the newspaper and the name of the photographer (if given). Note, the library only holds photographs for the actual newspaper, not ones supplied by a news service, such as AP Wire or International, or those supplied by individuals. The photograph should have a photographer's name or say "Staff Photo".
The photograph on the left is one that the library may have either as a print, or in negatives. Note down the newspaper name (Minneapolis Star), the date it appeared (June 23, 1971), and the photographer's name (Jack Gillis, circled in red).
The photograph at the right appeared in the January 1, 1958, Minneapolis Star, but the library would not have it because it is marked at the bottom as coming from "International" (the International News Service, circled in red).
Step 3: Check the Printed Photograph Collections
Many of the newspaper photographs are already printed and held in large files, especially portraits. These collections are divided into portraits, listed alphabetically by last name in the finding aid, and subjects, listed alphabetically by broad topic. Search using the links below (some of the finding aids are very large and may take several minutes to load):
St. Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press Portraits
St. Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press Photographs, arranged by subject
Edina Sun Newspaper Photographs
Minneapolis Star Tribune Portraits
Minneapolis Star Tribune Photographs, arranged by subject
Request the appropriate box using the collection title and box number given under the word "Location".
Not all the photographs taken by the newspaper were kept in printed form. If your photograph is not found, try the negatives by continuing to Step 4.
If your photograph is found, skip to Step 6.
Step 4: Searching for a Negatives Box
If the image was not in the printed collections, it may still be in the negatives turned in by the photographer. These negatives may also include other images that were never published in the newspapers. The negatives are stored in boxes by date range. To start your search, find the box with the day before the image ran in the newspaper in the newspaper negatives finding aid linked below:
St. Paul and Minneapolis Newspaper Negatives Collection Finding Aid
After the box is brought out, see Step 5 for handling instructions and how to search.
Step 5: Handling Negatives
Each batch of negatives will be in an envelope by date and possibly the photographer's name. There may be multiple envelopes per day, so be sure to check everything in the box. The date is the day that the photographer turned in the roll of film, not necessarily the date that the event happened.
Start with the date of the event, then check envelopes from the day after the event, working towards the date the photograph ran in the newspaper.
In the example envelope to the right, note that the photographer's last name, or a shortened version of the name, is in the top right corner (Boz). The date the film was turned in is at the top (1-17-67) and a list of subjects is on the left side (New appointees, fashion, W.C. Antiques). These may be the only photographs on the roll, or just the major stories photos were taken for.
If the photograph(s) you want are located, proceed to Step 6.
Step 6: Ordering Scans
Locate a small half sheet size blue flagging sheet (located near the "Copy Services" window). This will mark the set of negatives for staff.
Write the date, photographer, negative strip number and negative number on the sheet, along with a brief description of what stands out about the photograph.
Wrap the blue half sheet around the envelope of negatives containing your image to mark the envelope for staff, then return the envelope to the box.
Fill out the Digital Image Reproduction Request Form online. Please see the librarians at the Reference Desk if you have any questions.
Bring your flagged negatives box to the Copy Services window and let staff know it is for an image order.
Jenny McElroy
Reference Librarian
Gale Family Library
Minnesota Historical Society Library
Located on the Second Floor of the Minnesota History Center
345 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Library Hours:
Thursday to Saturday: 10am to 4pm
Sunday to Wednesday: Closed
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