Jenny McElroy


My Guides

Census Records
Last update: Oct 9, 2023 4681 views
Duluth Lynchings
Last update: Dec 20, 2023 0 views
Last update: Dec 20, 2023 1320 views
Last update: Jan 17, 2024 114 views
League of Nations
Last update: Sep 3, 2015 0 views
Last update: Jun 20, 2024 1713 views
Last update: Dec 20, 2023 517 views
Last update: Oct 9, 2023 6666 views
Last update: Apr 19, 2024 1845 views
Last update: Mar 12, 2024 10567 views
United Nations
Last update: Sep 3, 2015 0 views
Winter Carnival
Last update: Dec 20, 2023 822 views
About Me:
I have been a Reference Librarian at MNHS since 2010. Among my professional interests are the histories of everyday people and places, and my favorite thing about working with researchers is seeing the “Ah ha!” moment when dots are connected and mysteries are solved.

About My Profile Image:
My image is from the WPA Negatives Collection here at the Minnesota Historical Society. It depicts a Works Progress Administration Library worker processing books in about 1940 and you can see more information about it in our Collections Online system.
Profile Photo
Jenny McElroy
Jenny McElroy
Library Manager
Gale Family Library
345 W. Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102


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